Monday, December 20, 2004

All Systems are Down

Well, maybe not ALL, but a lot of them.

I have a nasty little cold. I think I got it from Aaron, who was making many HORKy noises when he was here. Now I'm making the same sounds, and more, as a steady river of gooey phlegm slides down the back of my throat from my sinus cavities to my lungs. Lovely.

I'm having trouble sleeping, not aided by racing thoughts and the ridiculously high-winded cold (and I mean ARCTIC) front that blew through here last night. Not to mention the periodic need to sit up and go HORK! lest I suffocate or to have a little coughing fit resulting in what looks like a piece of (green) lung in the kleenex.

I'd love to just curl up in bed reading bad fiction. In fact, that's basically what I'm doing. Although I will venture forth later for some culture with the fabulous Jocelyn. I hope I do not draw the ire of the other theatre patrons with a long and loud spasm of HORKing.

I never used to get colds. I'm serious. It's a development of the last couple of years. Maybe I should just stay locked up in my hotel room without any visitors like Howard Hughes.

I am SO not ready for Christmas.



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