Sunday, May 22, 2005


Capitol HIll Classic 10K

This morning was the Capitol Hill Classic 10K. As always, I was nervous the night before the run, so I didn't sleep as much as I should have. But I did hydrate yesterday and had a Powerbar and a sugar-free Red Bull about an hour before the race. Breakfast of champions, baby!

Here's the really good news: I did better at this race than I did at the Leesburg 10K last August, before I was injured.

Savor it, my friends! I did better. Words cannot express how happy this makes me. My injury is now officially behind me.

Okay, now for the embarassing statistics. In a field of 911 women, I came in... 847th. Seventh percentile. In my age group, 95th out of 112: 15th percentile. (The winner of my age group finished 6th among women, at a blistering 6:14 minute mile pace. 'Course she's six years younger than me!)

But for me, the key stat is that my pace today was 11:53 ~ 2/3 of a minute per mile FASTER than my Leesburg pace. I'm slow, but I'm less slow than last time! Woo-hoo! And actually, they calculate pace using gun time, not chip time (don't ask me why), so it was actually more like 11:20. Heh.

Coming up: Rockville Rotary Twilighter 8K on July 16, and the Leesburg 20K on August 14. I might do the occasional 5K in between just for giggles.



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