Thursday, July 06, 2006

Cat Trauma

What am I up to?

I am up to spending ungodly sums of money on my cute little kitty's health and well-being.

First it was the dreaded Feline Infectious Peritonitis scare which, in addition to nearly breaking my heart, gave my wallet a sound beating. Update: she's no longer anorexic in the least, albeit still a picky eater.

Now, the little girl has developed a case of what appears to be feline pink-eye, and is all squinty on the left side in a kitten-pirate kind of way. Cute, but sort of pathetic. I wasn't prepared for this to go on for nearly a week, while waiting for a regular appointment... and what if there was something seriously wrong and she could go blind or something?

So, back to the vet for another time-consuming and EXPENSIVE urgent-care visit.

Fully equipped with eye-goop to be administered twice daily, and once again seriously diminished in the pocketal region, I've brought her home again. She is eating, farting, and pooping in a squinty sort of way, and apparently perfectly content. They eye thing is supposed to clear up in a few days. I have, however, prophylactically made a regular appointment for Monday. (Just. In. Case.)

They LURVE her at the hospital, and she doesn't seem to mind the place at all ~ except for the vacuum cleaner, which, let's face it, definitely makes a scary racket.

Me, I'm less enamored of the place, as it seems to be able effortlessly to hoover great sums of money out of my bank account.



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