Monday, September 11, 2006

Make it stop! MAKE THE RINGING STOP!!!

Tomorrow is election day in DC.

Apparently every politician in the city wants to be my friend. I've received (no exageration) at least 15 phone calls in the last couple of days featuring chirpy politicians or politician's shills, urging me to vote for them.

A plague on all their houses: they are SPAMMING MY PHONE. Now I say hello, and when I hear that tell-tale blank silence, I just hang up immediately.

Several people have asked me for whom I'm voting for mayor. Gah. I'm not thrilled with any of my choices. Linda Cropp put the nail in her own coffin as far as I'm concerned with her heavily negative campaign ads, and utter ineffectuality on the school board. Fenty is handsome and energetic, but unexperienced: who knows if he has the managerial chops required. I kind of like what I hear about Marie Johns, but I don't think she's got a chance in hell.

I just wish to God they'd all quit calling me. And it would be nice to hear an unrecorded voice at the other end of the line.

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Anonymous said...

Caller ID is only of some help - you don't pick up the phone, but you still get the recorded message. To add to the annoyance, the Fenty campaign can't seem to wait for the beep. All of his messages have the first ten seconds cut off, which means I have to guess who it is but don't worry - I recognize his voice by now. And Phil Mendelson's. And Kathy Patterson's. Hopefully it all stops sometime tomorrow.


4:25 PM  
Anonymous said...

Johns has a chance in hell if all the people who feel like you do just vote for her, instead of saying she doesn't have a chance in hell so I'm not sure....

just vote the best candidate and she can win!

9:58 PM  
Kelly O said...

It's weird, isn't it, that one of the first things we think about Fenty is that he's quite attractive? It's almost like none of the candidates is that great, so we shrug and pick (or, in my case, root for) the one we most want to see on TV; he can't do worse than Barry.

9:45 AM  

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