Saturday, December 09, 2006

How to Build Consumer Goodwill: Assume I'm a Thief and a Drug Baron

Okay, so predictably with all the work and the stress, I have another major cold. This is the second in three months, which is something of a record for me.

So I go to my local drugstore to pick up some Sudafed. I want the the real Sudafed, you know, the stuff that actually works. I made the mistake of buying the new, non-pseudoephedrine stuff last time and it was utterly useless.

In order to purchase this CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE now, you have to pick up a card off a rack (which conveniently has no prices associated with the various products and sizes of products) and go to the pharmacy. You are then required to surrender a photo ID, your name and address, and provide a signature. FOR ONE STINKING BOX OF DECONGESTANT PILLS.

Let us count the ways that this is fucking idiotic.

  1. Meth manufacturers are surely going to buy boxes of Sudafed one at a time. Yeah, right.

  2. Meth manufacturers are going to use legitimate ID when they buy their single boxes of Sudafed. For sure.

  3. Meth menufacturers are frequently middle-aged women with runny noses and stuffed up sinuses who go to the same drugstore year after year.

To add insult to injury, the razor blade cartridges I like are now behind the counter too. So I had to pay for my cold medicine at one end of the store, and then buy my pricier than gold razor blades at the other end. Maybe if the razor blades weren't SO PREPOSTEROUSLY EXPENSIVE they wouldn't get boosted so often. You think?

Modern life is degrading and depressing. Of course it beats the heck out of any other period in human history, but still.



Anonymous said...

The idiotic War on Decongestants makes me insanely irritated, too.

5:03 PM  

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