Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Suckage of Crutches

I would just like to say that, despite any previous commentary to the contrary, it is not necessarily the case that it's worse to be on crutches in winter than in the summer.

Yes, ice and snow are evil hazards, and one's hands are likely to be chilly, and it's tough to manouevre with bulky clothing on.

BUT, consider the horrendous chafing of tender arm-flesh exposed to the cruel wood and rubber! The heinous burden of heat and heave as one swings the dead weight of one's lower body under the sweltering sun! The cruelty of thumping along like Igor while everyone else is sauntering or strolling or sprinting in fine weather.

Oh, what's the use: Crutches just suck year 'round.

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