Thursday, October 12, 2006

Ariel has FIP

It's quite certain now.

FIP is pretty much invariably fatal. Perhaps Ariel can be a miracle kitty and survive, but I must expect that she will not.

Now I have to decide how long she will live and how she will die.

She has the "wet" version of the disease, which tends to progress quite quickly. At the moment she doesn't seem to be unhappy or uncomfortable, although she's not eating much and is sleeping a lot. I don't want her to suffer, and so it seems it would be better for her end to come earlier rather than too much later. I have no idea how to make that decision, but I don't want my fear and anxiety to cause her pain that could and should be avoided.

Friendship Hospital gave me the numbers of a couple of vets who make house calls, and who might be able to provide the good death here at home. I think we would both prefer that.

My heart is breaking for the little girl who is so sweet and good.



Miss Abigail said...

Oh, I am so sorry, Nina. I know how you feel having been thru similar emotions recently... it is the hardest decision in the world to make. But you'll know when the time is right, you will. Let me know if you need to talk... my thoughts are with you both.

4:56 PM  
Miss Molly said...

I am so, so very sorry. How heartbreaking. Poor Ariel! And poor Nina!

I have (unfortunately) three times been present when kitties were put to sleep at home, and it has always struck as one of the most comfortable ways for a kitty to go. If the vets recommended to you don't pan out, I know a wonderful one who will make house calls under these circumstances.

12:34 PM  

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