Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Windy City Report

The lovely Andrew successfully broke the 3 hour 30 minute barrier in his third marathon!

The weather in Chicago was perfect ~ cool, not too windy (except for me, waiting at the intersection of Wacker and Franklin in the morning with a wicked breeze off the lake chilling everyone to the bone), and with negligible humidity. I met Andrew at three locations: just after the 3-mile mark, at the aforementioned intersection which was approximately 12.25, and then again in Chinatown at about 21.5. I swapped Gatorade bottles with him a couple of times, but other than shouting "Go, baby!" that was the extent of my contribution to his success. He finished in pretty good shape, with nothing much more than sore legs, a discoloured toenail, and a few minor blisters. I, for one, am most impressed.

Our friend Bernie also had a terrific showing in her second marathon, slicing an impressive 24 minutes off her previous time!

The three of us had dinner together Sunday evening at a restaurant recommended by Amy and Paul: Bistro 110 at Water Tower Place. I highly recommend it for a delicious meal, not too formal and not excessively pricey. I had an extremely potent martini as well as a glass of wine with my meal, and having arisen at 4:45 am, was totally knocked on my ass. But in a fun way.

On Monday, Andrew and I visited the Art Insitute for a few hours in as foot-sparing a way as possible. This wasn't really much of a tourist trip ~ it was really all about the marathon ~ but we had a good time when he wasn't running.

(Of course I am quietly eaten up with envy for all the sound of foot. I'm now trying to calculate when I will be sufficiently healed to begin training in earnest again, and whether I should try to shoot for Phoenix, or I should aim for something a little later on. In the meantime, I bought a lovely shirt in Chicago ~ while Andrew was getting his post-run massage ~ which I fully intend to wear to a victory dinner after MY first 26.2!)

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