Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Who is this pod person?

I got up early this morning so that I could go running before work.

I did what? Do you even KNOW me?
Honestly, I'm a little worried.


Friday, April 15, 2005

Not too taxing

The State giveth and the State taketh away. Looks like I'll net about $500 after a DC refund.

Which I can use to pay down debt.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I sold an iPod shuffle

There I was in the Apple store, picking up some desperate last minute tax prep software (I know, I know). I was queuing to pay, and the woman in front of me picked up the fluorescent green impulse-purchase package by the register. "It's really cute," she said. "And not very expensive." Then she put it back down. "Maybe I'll buy it later."

"Oh, go on," I piped up. "Buy it, you'll love it!" I showed her my shuffle peeking out from my handbag.

"Yeah, why not!" She plopped it on the counter. The cashier rang it up and into the white Apple bag it went.

And thus did I do my part to grow Apple's profits (a fabulous $.37 per diluted share, up 70% this quarter over year-ago quarter). Enlightened self-interest I call it, while trying not to despair about the excessive materialism of it all.

Hey, I still have taxes to deal with.


Saturday, April 09, 2005

Well, that simplifies THAT

The Marine Corps Marathon registration is now closed. Ironically, my ChampionChip arrived in the mail today.

I could conceivably do Richmond. It's scheduled for November 12, which is two weeks after the MCM. Now I'm trying to remember what Jocelyn said about it; I'll have to ask. It's a very small field (under 5000 runners), which could be nice for a first run.

Hmm. Well, there's time to think about it. It's not like they're going to sell out...

I had such a lovely run this morning (7 miles) that I'm prepared to believe anything is possible.


Thursday, April 07, 2005

100 Miles

This morning's sluggish run gave me five miles, just enough to mark a distance of 100 miles since I started to run again. That's a nice feeling of accomplishment.

I'm still mulling whether or not I want to sign up for the Marine Corps Marathon. The fact that my left foot's a bit sore today (don't know why) is contributing towards my current lean toward "no."

On the other hand, if I don't do it this year, I'll probably never do it.
