Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Oh how nice. An hour at the Clarendon Apple Store and presto: the iMac, he lives!

Mind you, I lost a day and a half of productivity, but thanks to Apple Care (pats self on back) it cost me exactly $0.

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Monday, January 29, 2007


My iMac shut itself off while I was in the shower.

I turned it back on.
It shut itself off.

I unplugged all peripherals and turned it back on.
It shut itself off.

I called Apple Care. We reset the Power Management Unit.
I restarted it.
It shut itself off.

The iMac, he dead.
Off to Clarendon with dead iMac tomorrow morning. I hope they have right part in stock.


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Saturday, January 27, 2007

How To Be A Grown Up

I can't remember where I first ran into this, but I love it. Embarassingly, I'm not sure that I'm entirely grown up myself, but I'm working on it.

Playtime's over, kiddies.

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

You Don't Have to Live Like a Refugee

...When you have wonderful friends willing to put you up on a moment's notice.

It's nasty out there. I nearly died on my way over here, to David and Lynn's, for dinner, and if I'd been thinking straight I'd have turned around and gone home after seeing the first three accidents. But no, I forged ahead, and pretty much slalomed into a parking spot on the street, rear wheels fishtailing right up to the curb.

The prospect of wending my way DOWN one giant hill and then UP (as if) another to get home over the black ice and under the freezing rain, well, it was chilling.

The dear, dear friends offered me a futon in the basement and I accepted with alacrity. So I am happily online on a borrowed MacBook, wirelessly connected to the world wide everywhere. Ain't technology grand?

Well, yes, but friends are much, much better.

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Watching a text stream from MacWorld... the iPhone is going to be THE new must-have gadget. I will be buying one IMMEDIATELY (and I don't even know what they cost yet)!

[Update: $500 and not available 'til JUNE. June?? How can I wait until JUNE??? Ugh. My technolust has been piqued and will now go unsated for 6 months. Unless, of course, Steve also unveils the ThinBook...]

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