Sunday, January 21, 2007

You Don't Have to Live Like a Refugee

...When you have wonderful friends willing to put you up on a moment's notice.

It's nasty out there. I nearly died on my way over here, to David and Lynn's, for dinner, and if I'd been thinking straight I'd have turned around and gone home after seeing the first three accidents. But no, I forged ahead, and pretty much slalomed into a parking spot on the street, rear wheels fishtailing right up to the curb.

The prospect of wending my way DOWN one giant hill and then UP (as if) another to get home over the black ice and under the freezing rain, well, it was chilling.

The dear, dear friends offered me a futon in the basement and I accepted with alacrity. So I am happily online on a borrowed MacBook, wirelessly connected to the world wide everywhere. Ain't technology grand?

Well, yes, but friends are much, much better.

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